Park Projects

Park Planning

Porter County Parks and Recreation values your input. No park plan is complete without broad and meaningful participation from the public and various interest groups. 
If you have any ideas, questions, comments or concerns, contact us at

We are currently gathering public input for the Land and Water Conservation grant. If you would take a couple of minutes to complete this small survey for us at Porter County Parks and Recreation, we would greatly appreciate it! The survey is available by clicking the button below.

Current Projects

Amphitheater at Sunset Hill Farm Park

Aukiki South County Park - Phase 1

As of now, we are currently pursuing funding to complete phase 1 of the parks development. This will include all of the following: 

Water/Storm water infrastructure

Mass excavation

Top scraping and top soil stockpiling           

Digging and establishment of drainage basins and ponds

Finish grading

Grass, tree, and prairie planting

Erosion and runoff control

ADA compliant trails

Parking area and public access

Our current fundraising goal for this part of the project is $3,000,000. As of now we have raised a total of about $250,000.

If you or someone you know would like donate, please contact the Porter County Parks Foundation via the link or QR code below. If you or someone you know would like to the help with the project please reach out to Jake McEvoy, Porter County Parks and Rec. Superintendent.

Donate today!

Park Plans

Park master plans provide the public a way to help determine the best uses for a specific site and to optimize the management of the parks resources.  We have developed a new 2023 5-Year Comprehensive plan to guide our goals and developments for the next 5 years.

Master Plans

2023 Porter County Parks & Recreation Comprehensive Master Plan