Practicing Gratitude

Gratitude: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness (Lexico)


Let’s face it – when pretty much everything shut down on March 13th, I was sad. Everything that was "normal" ceased to exist. I decided after a few days of wallowing that I needed to stop. This was going to be reality for a while. I needed to make a new normal and take care of myself during this time, as this New York Times article about wellness recommends.  

Right now we need to seek out and treasure the unexpected opportunities of the moment, and one way to do this is to practice gratitude. Practicing gratitude is so important for your wellness and mental health, especially in a time when everyone is facing struggles. Here’s how I practice gratitude in areas in my own life and try to have a more positive outlook. 



I already had a routine of running and working out, but it was thrown out of whack at the beginning of March. I decided that I needed this part of my life to still be important and part of my daily schedule. I changed up my training plan to the "bridge half plan” from Extra Mile Fitness Company, which has put normal back into my training. 

Now when I go out for my training runs – social distance style – I take in the scenery around me. I concentrate on my footfalls and breathing. I let my mind wander. I’m grateful that I have the ability to get outside where it's safe and that I have a training plan that can get me to my goal. Taking time out of your day to exercise and take care of your body is important. 



I'm at my house every day working from home, which is so different from my old schedule. My husband and I are spending time together making meal plans, looking through large pile of cookbooks I have and choosing recipes, cooking together, eating together. It’s extra time in the day that we didn’t used to have. For that I’m grateful.


Organizing the house

My house is clean and organized because I’ve been able to put time, energy, and focus into taking care of it. It’s organized in ways that I always said to myself, “I don't have time this weekend to do that.” This is another way you can practice gratefulness – doing something productive and then taking time to enjoy it.


Enjoying nature

The sunrises and sunsets are spectacular where I live – lots of wide-open spaces to view them from. I’m not rushing around doing things, getting ready, or driving home, and instead I’ve been going out to enjoy them. I’m thankful for the moments in my day when I can pause what I’m doing and appreciate the beauty around me. 


Enrichment and wellness classes

Enrichment courses are great opportunities to take advantage of right now! I happened upon two online photography courses that I'm now taking. Three weeks ago I would have said I don't have time for this, even though I had been wanting to learn to use my cameras to all their capability for a while now. Now, I’m investing time in a new hobby that I’m excited about. Enrichment and wellness practices are great for your mental health and encourage you to enjoy learning new things and taking care of yourself.



Normally I'm up by 5 or 5:30 a.m. (and one day a week at 4 a.m.). But now, there are no lunches to make, no things to rush around doing before I go to “the office.” Sleeping in a little more is nice, and it’s good to have extra time in the morning to get ready for the day. 


I hope my experience learning to practice gratitude in areas in my life will also encourage you to do the same. The world needs a little positivity right now!